
Growing up in a family with a strong artistic influence, Cherry has watched operas, old European literary works and Chinese classic film works with his father since childhood. Years of practice in piano, dance, and fine arts have cultivated Cherry's aesthetic height in artistic cultivation, which made GoldenLove's first work at the beginning of its establishment highly possessed.

        踏上剪辑历程已有十余年,以蒙太奇的艺术,升华一部又一部爱情故事,让每一份感动成为可传承的永恒。这正是婚礼电影的职业使命。而审美与匠心,都是优秀剪辑师必不可少的素质 —— 这正是Cherry最闪耀的特点。

She became editor more than ten years. With montage art, a sublimation and a love story, so every move can become eternal inheritance. This is the professional mission of wedding films. And aesthetics and ingenuity are the essential qualities of a good editor —— this is the most shining feature of Cherry.